Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Swamp Crocodiles + Big Mama Croc! OSE

Another quick monster post, this time it's some big ol crocodiles that the players encountered tearing some adventurers to shreds out in the marshlands east of Uhkek.

The mama croc was accompanied by three babies, with minimal stats I've provided mostly as a joke. No babies were harmed this session, but they did kill the mama croc, sadly. Those babies will grow up with a taste for flesh and a want for vengeance, angry reader, I assure you.

As with all the stat blocks I'm providing these are pretty close to how I write them on my 3x5" index cards. I have a box of these which I'm filling as needed to provide myself a portable monster manual which doubles as a play aid. So far I've got about 9 cards, though I'm sure that I'm missing atleast one or two more. Oh well, more to come as they're written up! 

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Swamp Crocodiles + Big Mama Croc! OSE

Another quick monster post, this time it's some big ol crocodiles that the players encountered tearing some adventurers to shreds out in...