Thursday, August 3, 2023

On Goblin Manners (or Why I'm Writing A Blog)

Welcome to Goblin Manners!

My name's Emily! I'm new to blogging. 

That and I'm fairly unsure that anyone's going to read this blog. Hopefully, someday, when someone (like me) is looking through the vast chaotic sea that is the internet for shit they want to use in their games they'll stumble across this place and find something worth stealing!

Currently I'm what I'd consider a somewhat fresh dungeon master - having spent a lot more of my time thinking about the games I've wanted to play than actually running them. This provides me with the benefit (?) of a lot of half-baked dungeon ideas, never-before-tested magic items/monsters and to top if all off a whole hell of a lot of random lore. Ohhh boy do I have a lot of random lore. In any case, I wanted a creative outlet and this is what I've landed on. 

My hope is that through this blog I'll find a reason to get some sort of finished ideas out into the world or at the very least explain my thoughts behind them so that others can take my ideas further in their own ways. 

If you find this blog and it's dead then life probably got in the way! Shoot a comment down below if you're itching to say hello. I'll reply as often as I can and my personal life allows me to pay attention. 

TLDR; I want a place where I can share my homebrew content, lore contemplations and otherwise vent out my special interest which is fortunately enough for me tabletop roleplaying games!

Swamp Crocodiles + Big Mama Croc! OSE

Another quick monster post, this time it's some big ol crocodiles that the players encountered tearing some adventurers to shreds out in...